Abbey United Reformed Church, The Abbey, Romsey, SO51 8EL

World Day of Prayer 7 March 2025

Join us at The Elim Church, Middlebridge St.,  Romsey  at 2pm on Friday 7 March.

The 2025 World Day of Prayer service has been prepared by Christian women in the Cook Islands. Cook Islanders have celebrated 200 years of Christianity in the group of 15 islands which is spread over nearly 800,000 square miles in the Pacific Ocean.

This year, inspired and led by Christian women from the Cook Islands, who have shared stories of their struggle during Covid-19, of their culture being devalued and of the improvements in obstetric health care, we give thanks for their honesty and their witness to God’s strength in their lives. They write, ‘God knows us intimately and we are special to God in our uniqueness. When we open the doors of our hearts to this truth everything in our life changes. We glow from within and we begin treating others as beloved children of God. Through this service we hope people will be spiritually uplifted as they come to trust the great love of God.’

Based on the words of Psalm 139, and woven within the stories of three Christian women, this worship service invites us to recognise that God created each one of us with great attention and loving care. We are unique and special, and should cherish all aspects of who we are and of those around us! God created us. God knows us. God is with us. What a wonderful message to share!